Powertrax No-Slip Differential
Installation Guide
of Proper Assembly Test (steps 38 to 42)
38. Put transmission in gear (or park). |
39. Turn driver’s side wheel forward and hold
against driveline for steps 40 & 41. |
40. After sharply turning the passenger side
wheel in the opposite direction (to disengage the unit), the wheel should
rotate freely. |
41. Passenger side wheel should rotate freely in
opposite direction. |
42. Repeat the test for both wheels in both
directions. |

Installation (steps 43 to 47)
43. Install differential cover with gasket
sealant. |
44. Add Richmond Synthetic
Gear Oil (75W-140) available
at your Authorized Richmond
Distributor. |
45. Set parking brake. |
46. Be sure transmission is in gear or park. |
47. Remove jack stands, lower vehicle, then
remove blocks. |
The above information is
provided by Richmond
Gear. These instructions are the instructions we followed during
our installation of the Powertrax No-Slip Differential in a 30 spline Dana
44 Axle. These instructions are posted for educational purposes only
and are not meant to be THE instructional guide to installing the
Powertrax No-Slip Differential, rather as a review of the process
transcribed into an HTML format. Please refer to
Richmond Gear
for your application of the Powertrax No-Slip Differential as well as many
other great products. Source: Richmond Performance Products, 822
1003 A, Open Differential Integral Carrier Non C-Clip Version
Richmond Performance Products • 1208 Old
Norris Road • P.O. Box 238 • Liberty, S.C. 29657
Phone: 864-843-9231 • Fax: 864-843-2964 On the web at: