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Wheeling in the Valley of the Ferns

We couldn't have asked for a better weekend ... weather-wise.  As for breakage, well that a different matter.  A few issues popped up like a dropped drive shaft, overheating, timing issues, damage vacuum lines, ignition problems and a separated shoulder.  Most of these issues didn't dampen the weekend though.  We still had a ton of fun and the weather was beautiful.  We had a good group of people with us for this spring trip with 6 4x4 vehicles and 6 Quads as well as several passengers along for the ride.  One of the things we really enjoy about these mountains is the ferns that cover the valley and mountain sides with brilliant green.  A couple of us actually dug up a load of fern to bring back with us to plant around the house.  A little bit of the mountains at home.  And so goes the theme for this report.  Enjoy!




rain delay boredom....




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