4x4 Related
About these calculators:
The following calculators were created by and
provided by Mark Medina in 1997 with the following Copyright notice:
Feel free to use this gear calculator
JavaScript on any Off-Road/4x4 site. If you do use this, I would
appreciate a link back to my home page http://www.4lo.com from the page where
this script is placed and please leave this notice intact. Also credit to me
listed on the same page would be appreciated. Copywrite 1997 by Mark I. Medina,
Check back periodically as this will be revised and improved. Version 1.2,
12/28/97 - Compatible with Netscape 3.x+ and MSIE 3.0+
Ring / Pinion - Gear Ratio:
Okay, so you've torn your pumpkin apart and have the ring gear and pinion gear teeth count. This calculator will give you the gear ratio, just plug in the numbers.
Ever wonder how far off your
speedometer is with your new bigger tires? I'm using a simple ratio
calculation, so this info will only approximate your corrected speed
and depends on the accuracy of tire size diameters (assuming nothing
but tire size has changed).
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Now that you have your truck lifted,
you want bigger meats. They look cool and have the potential of being
very functional, but they may also be robbing you of power/gas mileage.
This calculator will get you back to a ratio that's closer to your
original. Enter the values on the left and press Compute.
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Ever wonder what your low-low-low gear
ratio is, your "crawl ratio"? You'll need to do a little
research by finding out the transfer case and transmission ratios
first. Enter your values on the left side, press Compute and your
answer will be on the right.
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I've spend a bunch of time trying to
WAG (wild ass guess) my actual MPH when going down the road. By knowing
your gear ratios and tire size you'll get a more accurate idea here.
Enter the value on the left, press Compute.
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I suppose if you don't have a
tachometer you could use this form, otherwise it's only useful to find
out how accurate your Tach is. Enter the values on the left, press
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This formula is a nice way to get the
tire diameter of those metric tires that are common on just about
everything stock. For example a 265/75R16 would be around 31.6 inches
tall. Enter the numbers into this form in the order you read them from
the tire and press Compute.
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Calculators copyright © 1997 by Mark Medina (www.4Lo.com)