N.M. -- Ignition products company ENERPULSE Inc. announced today
that its pulse plug prototype, Pulstar(TM), has demonstrated
improved vehicle fuel efficiency over spark plugs in both required
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) testing and initial company
tests. Pulstar(TM), which holds eight U.S. and foreign patents, is
the first capacitor-enhanced spark plug, called a pulse plug. The
Pulstar(TM) pulse plug, which represents the first technological
advancement in spark plug design in the past 100 years, provided a
2.7 percent improvement in fuel efficiency over conventional spark
plugs in the EPA test, FTP 75 (the test that is used to determine
the city driving number on a new car sticker).
"The 2.7 percent
improvement in fuel efficiency is nearly triple the industry-desired
1 percent improvement and surpassed ENERPULSE's own goal of a 2
percent improvement for this particular test," said Daniel Parker,
ENERPULSE's Chief Executive Officer.
Pulstar(TM) Improves Fuel Efficiency
Internal tests conducted by ENERPULSE using an actual driving
cycle demonstrated a nearly 9 percent improvement in fuel
efficiency. ENERPULSE has also performed the industry-recognized
dynamometer test to determine torque and horsepower output. This
test's results show a 7 percent improvement in torque and a 10.5
percent improvement in horsepower output over regular spark plugs.
Rigorous Additional Testing Planned for 2006
ENERPULSE plans to conduct extensive additional testing in 50
different vehicle makes and models to measure fuel efficiency,
torque and horsepower performance. "Pulstar(TM) is poised to enter
the aftermarket parts industry at a time when Americans are
increasingly concerned about high fuel prices and better fuel
efficiency," said Parker. "We want to provide substantial concrete
data about our product's benefits to the aftermarket parts retailers
who will be selling Pulstar(TM), so their customers will know how
the product will perform in their vehicles."

Pulse Plugs Provide 10,000 Times More Peak Power Than Spark
Pulse plugs represent a whole new category of ignition devices.
Although they look like spark plugs and fit into the engine exactly
like spark plugs, their technology is based on pulse power, a
well-recognized technology used in laser, X-ray and radar products.
"What makes Pulstar(TM) different from spark plugs is its
built-in capacitator, which stores the ignition's electrical power
and then discharges it in an intense plasma ball," said Parker. "Pulstar(TM)
is capable of delivering up to 10,000 times the power of an average
spark plug, which translates into greater fuel efficiency, increased
torque and horsepower and reduced hydrocarbon emissions. In fact,
spark plugs can be compared to the low-power output of a flashlight,
while pulse plugs generate intense power like the brightness emitted
from a camera's flash bulb."
Altira, a Denver-based venture capital firm provided the first
round of financing in early 2004 to develop the Pulstar(TM)
prototypes and fund the necessary EPA and independent testing of the
new technology. ENERPULSE is now seeking to attract a second round
of investment capital to finance the launch of the Pulstar(TM)
product to the market.
Pulse Plugs Enhance Engine Performance Using "Drop-In"
Pulstar(TM) pulse plug technology will improve the performance of
every type of internal combustion engine ranging from weed trimmers
to Indy 500 racecars. Because no adaptor or retrofitting is needed
to replace conventional spark plugs with pulse plugs, Pulstar(TM) is
a "drop-in" replacement for virtually all makes and models of
Pulstar(TM) is Safe
Furthermore, Pulstar(TM) is safe for use in all vehicles. Even
though the peak power of Pulstar(TM) is exponentially higher than
spark plugs, the spark duration is so brief that no harm can come to
engine components. What's more, switching to Pulstar(TM) does not
void a manufacturer's warranty and Pulstar(TM) lasts as long or
longer than regular spark plugs.
ENERPULSE, a privately held company headquartered in Albuquerque,
N.M., was founded in 1996. The company develops environmentally
friendly ignition products through the application of pulse power
technology. For more information, visit www.pulstarplug.com.
COPYRIGHT 2006 Business Wire
COPYRIGHT 2006 Gale Group
Enerpulse, Incorporated
2451 Alamo SE
New Mexico 87106
TEL: 888.800.6700
(1-505-842-5201 for International calls)
FAX: 505.842.6592