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End of an Era
Paragon Adventure Park
The closure of a world-class Offroad Park

The weekend of February 3rd and 4th 2007 may very well be the last time 4x4's, custom rigs, Quads and other ORVs legally ride this land.  Paragon Adventure Park, located near Hazleton Pennsylvania, is being forced off the land they lease, to make way for a proposed project to build a cargo airport on 4,800 acres of land in Luzerne, Schuylkill and Carbon counties. Paragon occupies part of that land under a 25-year lease and has been handed an eviction notice after a local court battle Wednesday January 31, 2007.  In order to justify the eviction, Paragon had been accused by the land owner of damaging the land and failing to make lease payments other financial related things.  All of which Kyle & Stephanie Knosp, the owners of Paragon deny vigorously.  Kyle says it's not over though.  It may be a David and Goliath battle but it isn't over.  There are appeals and higher courts outside of the allegedly biased Hazleton courts to take this to and Kyle plans to exhaust every option.  When we asked if ultimately Paragon is evicted permanently, will there be another Paragon built elsewhere, he said there will be and he is currently in meetings to secure future locations.  So we hope that this is the end of a chapter and not the book on a world-class ORV park called Paragon.

We attended what might be the last Monthly Ride held here on this property and it was an amazing weekend to say the least. There was believed to be over 300 vehicles in attendance on Saturday and about 150 to 200 on Sunday.  It was definitely the largest crowd we have ever seen at an event here and considering the weather, that is impressive.  A few of us from in conjunction with our friends at, braved the single digit temperatures and sub zero wind-chill to capture the possible final two days of the park at this location.  The following pages document some of the action of the hundreds who came in support of Paragon and its owners including a lot of camaraderie among 4 wheeling friends.  Saturday activities included a heart felt speech by Kyle Knosp that had everyone choked up and in full support of his efforts.  Click here to watch a clip of the speech to the crowd. There was music and several manufacturers there providing an estimated $5000 worth of merchandise for raffles and to show their support for the park.  Among the manufacturers there were Quadratec, Skyjacker and OK Auto who was giving out hot chocolate to help deal with the frigid temperatures.  Sticky Lee was selling a variety of Save Paragon AP decals and money from the sales were going to the park.  The staging areas were wall to wall 4X4's with a wide diversity of trail vehicles, from stock to rock buggies and everything in between.  We saw license plates from as far away as Maine and South Carolina and many well known clubs were in attendance.  Several very popular offroad magazines were there including JP Magazine.  We even spoke to people who had never knew the park existed but were there because they learned about it's uncertain future. 

We just want to say, thank you Paragon for providing us a LEGAL place to 4 wheel.  Continue the fight and if it comes down to building a new Paragon, you can believe there will be an army of volunteers willing to help start anew. 







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More Information About the Park's Closure





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