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Tatum Lead ORV Trail
The trail follows a scenic old woods road along the ridge line of picturesque Tatum Mountain through green dense forest. The trail dead ends to the south at a mound of dirt on the government property boundary. However, four-wheel drive vehicles must enter off GA 52 about 0.8 mile east of the Cohutta Lodge on Fort Mountain. Note: After turning off GA 52, the first 2 miles of the road is a right-of-way across private land. Only licensed vehicles are permitted on this section. Caution: The trail is open to mixed vehicle travel. Watch out for oncoming vehicles.
Length: 7.0 miles
Rating: Moderate
Access is via Rock Creek ATV Trail. Take GA 52 east from Chatsworth about 1 mile. Turn right onto the Old Federal Road and go 4 miles. Turn left at the Peeples Lake/Rock Creek Trail directional sign onto Forest Service Road 3 and travel 5.9 miles to the trailhead parking area.