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New Jersey Off Road Vehicle Park Inc.
The New Jersey Off Road Vehicle Park, Inc. (NJORVP) is a 501(c)(3) Charitable not-for-profit organization as recognized by the Internal Revenue Service of the United States Department Of The Treasury that was established to acquire, manage, and re-forest these properties while promoting the welfare, safety, and enjoyment of off-road vehicle recreation, including, but not limited to, trucks, motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles
NJORVP, which was incorporated in 1996, to promote, encourage, and educate members to engage in ecologically responsible recreation. The current facility is located on 265 acres in the heart of the Pine Barrens in Chatsworth, New Jersey, and consists of four separate tracks ranging from beginner to expert, as well as woods trails.
NJORVP is dedicated to building, operating, and maintaining safe and legal facilities for the operation of off-road vehicles. You won't find haphazard tracks and trails at NJORVP. There are 4 controlled access tracks and 3 directional trails throughout the park. NJORVP is open all year with the exception of Christmas Day and special events.
New Jersey Off Road Vehicle Park - Directions
NJORVP is Located between Mile Marker 6 & 7 on Rt. 72 Chatsworth New Jersey.
"Look for the Black Overhead Railroad Bridge"
From Philadelphia: Betsy Ross Bridge or Tacony Palmyra Bridge to Route 73 South follow Route 73 (7.2 miles) to Route 70 East (18 miles) to Route 72 East (6.5 miles) to Savoy Blvd (make right turn prior to railroad bridge). Proceed approximately 3/4 of a mile on Savoy Blvd and turn left into park.
Approximate time is 1 hour from either bridge.
From South Jersey and Delaware: Route 295 North to Exit-34A for Route 70 East. Follow Route 70 East for 21 miles to Route 72 East 6.5 miles to Savoy Blvd (make right turn prior to railroad bridge). Proceed approximately 3/4 of a mile on Savoy Blvd and turn left into park.
Approximate time is 45 minutes once exiting from Route 295.
From South Jersey: Garden State Parkway North to exit 63 for Route 72 West. Proceed approximately 15 miles to Savoy Blvd (make left turn immediately after railroad bridge). Proceed approximately 3/4 of a mile on Savoy Blvd and turn left into park.
Approximate time from exiting GSP is 25 minutes.
From the North: NJ Turnpike South to exit 7; Route 206 South 16 miles to Route 70 East 7.8 miles to Route 72 East 6.5 miles to Savoy Blvd (make right turn prior to railroad bridge). Proceed approximately 3/4 of a mile on Savoy Blvd and turn left into park.
Approximate time from exiting NJTP is 50 minutes.
From the North: Garden State Parkway South to exit 63, Route 72 West. Proceed approximately 15 miles to Savoy Blvd (make left turn immediately after railroad bridge). Proceed approximately 3/4 of a mile on Savoy Blvd and turn left into park.
Approximate time from exiting GSP is 25 minutes.
Heading East: From Route 70 & 72 circle, take Route 72 East 6.5 miles to Savoy Blvd (make right turn prior to railroad bridge). Proceed approximately 3/4 of a mile on Savoy Blvd and turn left into park.
Heading West: From Garden State Parkway, take Exit 63 to Route 72 West. Follow Route 72 West approximately 15 miles to Savoy Blvd (make left turn immediately after railroad bridge). Proceed approximately 3/4 of a mile on Savoy Blvd and turn left into park.
Park Hours
Friday, Saturday, Sunday
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Tracks Close at 4:00 PM Trails at 4:00 PM
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Tracks Close at 4:00 PM Trails at 4:00 PM
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Tracks Close at 4:00 PM Trails at 4:00 PM
New Jersey Off Road Vehicle Park, Inc.
PO Box 501
Chatsworth, NJ 08019-0501
Ph. (609) 726-0900
Fax (609) 726-1941