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Rocky Gap ATV Trail in Pennsylvania is accessed from Township Road 3005, southeast of Warren. The closest camping areas are Buckaloons and Hearts Content. Camping is not permitted in the parking area off State Route 3005, camping is permitted along the trail as long as your equipment does not block the trail. ATV riding is not permitted off trails.
Rocky Gap ATV Trail is in the Allegheny National Forest
The Rocky Gap ATV Trail is a 21.9 mile loop trail traversing the forested hills of the Allegheny National Forest. It was constructed for the enjoyment of ATV and motorbike riders of intermediate and expert skill level. The trail is open from the Friday before Memorial Day to the last Sunday in September; and December 20 to April 1. Inclement wet weather may cause the trails to close in short notice--when in doubt, please call ahead. Camping is not permitted at Rocky Gap trailhead.
This trail is open to Class I ATV's, trailbikes, snowmobiles, horses and mountain bikes.? All ATV trails are marked with yellow, diamond-shaped blazes.
The trail is divided into two sections by Pleasant Drive (State Road 3005/337). The trail is suitable for both trailbike and ATV use. However, due to steep side slopes, the ATV user may experience difficulty in some sections.? Please exercise caution in these areas. The southern section is 10.8 miles long and is rated MORE DIFFICULT. The northern section is 11.1 miles long and is rated MOST DIFFICULT. Both trails are ONE-WAY travel only except where otherwise posted.
Riding time on the trail will vary depending on your skill level and riding style. An intermediate rider can expect to take up to four hours, while a more experienced rider may cover the trail in one to two hours.
This trail is outstanding. It is closed to atv's in the spring and fall, so you have it all to yourself. Riding the west loop backwards is my favorite, most of the atv traffic is slow due to the technical nature of the trail, and the faster bikes can be heard well in advance. During spring thaw, the trail is nearly unrideable due to the surface being either thick clay or very abrasive limestone powder. If you know what you are doing, you can make the east loop super long by riding into the state game lands and up to hearts content and then riding the tanbark trail back towards Rocky Gap with a little road riding to link it up. There are lease roads to the east of 337 that minimize the time on pavement. You can also make a nice loop down thru Morrison Run and back up by the radio tower at the top of Mohawk Ave with numerous offroad routes back to the west loop.
Recommended Route:
Ride the west loop backwards, it seems like it is all downhill. The east loop connects up with the state game lands for a super long ride.
Other recommended trails in the same area:
Tankbark Trail, North Country Trail, State Game Lands, Morrison Run Area, Numberous lease and logging roads to shorten or lengthen the Rocky Gap loop and also for an "out" when the trail is too soft.
Latitude 41.795760120416055
Longitude -79.21503067016601
Length: 21.9 mile loop
Trail Directions look at a map of the alleghny national forest...U can find them almost anywhere in Warren CO (best bet to find one is at BLAIR which is just off rte 6)....The trail is off rt. 62.
Trail Length there are 2 routes each is about 10 miles
Trail Level Intermediate
Trail Type Fire Roads
City/County Warren