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Bluff Creek OHV Park: Located in Mahaska County southwest of Oskaloosa. This is a 350 acre park with most of the area accessible for riding. The area is an abandoned coal mine that has been developed into a riding area.
Park Contact Information: Randy Van Maaren, Iowa Partners of NOHVCC, 641.969.4214
Designated OHV Parks
Park Operational Rules
Resident-owned ATVs and off-road motorcycles must display a valid DNR registration. Nonresident-owned ATVs and off-road motorcycles must display a valid nonresident user permit.
Helmets are required for all riders (and passenger if passenger is permitted).
ATV riders 12 through 17 years of age must have a valid safety certificate.
ATV and off-road motorcycle riders under the age of 12 must be under the direct supervision of an adult possessing a valid drivers license. Direct supervision means maintaining visual and verbal contact at all times.
Riding double is prohibited on all ATVs and motorcycles (except on ATVs that are designed by the original manufacturer to carry a passenger).
Riding off-trail or in prohibited areas is illegal.
Careless, reckless, or negligent operation is prohibited.
Possession and consumption of alcohol in the riding park is prohibited.
ATVs and motorcycles may not exceed an engine noise limit above 96 decibels as tested under SAE J1287.
Only ATVs and off-road motorcycles, as defined under 321I, are permitted on OHV Park riding areas unless signed open to other use by the Department.
More information about Bluff Creek ATV Park Bussey, Iowa: