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Samoa Dunes Recreation Area
As a visitor to this 300 acre park you may take advantage of a wide variety of recreational activities, including hiking, surfing, fishing, sightseeing, beachcombing, off-highway vehicle (OHV) use, picnicking, and birdwatching (you can view and print a long checklist of birds seen in this area). Due to the vast array of activities, it is important to respect the rights of other visitors as you enjoy your time. When walking in the recreation area please be aware of OHV riding areas.
Off-Highway Vehicle Use
A staging area has been developed for OHV enthusiasts.
Facilities include an unloading ramp, restroom, tables, cooking grills and a scenic overlook. . From the staging area, riders have easy access to 140 acres of "open" terrain, containing numerous trails and the beach strand. An additional new 75-acre riding area known as Eureka Dunes is now open to OHV use and extends about 1 mile north of the park. The rest of the beach and dunes along the peninsula are closed to vehicle use, except by special permit from the county.
The following partial list of regulations and tips should help OHV users and other recreationists appreciate and enjoy the use of these public lands.
ATV riders must wear protective helmets.
Observe posted signs. Fenced areas mark sensitive wildlife and plant habitat, and are "closed" to vehicle use. The "open" riding areas are also posted and those on foot should be aware of their locations.
All vehicles must be registered and a green sticker or license plate clearly displayed.
Motorcycles must be equipped with an approved spark arrester and muffler that meets noise standards.
Flags are required on all OHV's in this recreation area for visibility and safety.
Consult a tidetable booklet.
Please respect private property.
Samoa Dunes Recreation Area Website:
Humboldt County, CA