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The PillowTrack is an inflatable off road recovery and traction aid device designed for self recovery of off-road vehicles. Extremely useful in a wide variety of terrains and situations in terrains such as sand, rock and mud to elevate, fill voids or provide traction where traction is needed. The following is some examples of their use in various terrains:
Rocky Terrain: Crossing a rocky terrain involves step climbing, trench crossing and the risk of getting stuck on high center. Rock dragging, shoveling and winching are only a few of the methods used to overcome these obstacles. Using Pillowtracks on this terrain could be described as driving with a tough inflatable rock in your car.
Mobility: When approaching a step barrier or a trench simply inflate the Pillowtrack and place it to fill the trench or gap. Since Your Pillowtracks are designed to recover vehicles of up to 7000 lbs, you can now you drive straight on the Pillowtrack, easily crossing the obstacle.
High Center Recovery: When your vehicle is stuck on a high center, with a chassis on ground and wheels out of traction, insert the pillows under the free spinning wheels. Now inflate the Pillowtracks using a compressor or a hand pump, lifting the vehicle of the high center. Now Drive your way out straight on the Pillowtracks.
Recovery: In the unlucky event of your 4x4 has failed crossing a trench, insert the pillows under the wheels in the trench and inflate them using a hand pump or a compressor. The Pillowtracks will lift the wheel, letting you drive right on them and out of the trench.
Sand and Mud: Sand and mud are challenging terrains for many 4x4s. Using the Pillowtracks as inflatable sand ladders simplifies recovery and mobility on these terrains. The Pillowtracks will spread the ground pressure, enabling motion. The Pillowtracks are tough enough to eve lift the vehicle when the chassis lies on the sand below.
When stuck in sand, but not to the extent of vehicle chassis is touching the ground, place the partially inflated Pillowtracks under the free spinning wheel. Insert the Pillowtrack to the mid of the tire, and clears the sand in front of all others. Drive your way out on the Pillowtracks, allowing them to reduce the ground pressure and get out of the sand.
If your vehicle is deep in the sand, with its chassis or rear axle touching the ground, insert the Pillowtracks all way in under the spinning wheels. Now inflate the Pillowtracks, using a hand pump or a compressor, lifting it from the ground. Clear the sand in front of all wheels and drive, your way out on the Pillowtracks.
Pillowtrack Ltd
42 Ha Neveeim St'
Ramat Ha Sharon 47279
Fax: +972-3-634-0757
Manufacture's Website:
PillowTrack Traction Recovery
Review Date: Tue September 15, 2009
Would you recommend the product? Yes |
Price you paid (per item)?: None indicated
| Rating: 9
Saved my trans oil pan
got to get used to this idea
Picked up a set from OK4WD and had them up at Rausch Creek over the weekend. Got my Cherokee hung up on a boulder that was up into the transmission pan. Used the pillow tracks to elevate and move off the rock. Might have saved my trans pan. Otherwise I'd be using the hilift to get a load of rocks under the tires.
Review Date: Thu October 22, 2009
Would you recommend the product? Yes |
Price you paid (per item)?: None indicated
| Rating: 10
VERY Userful
I'd like it in blue please.. just kidding
I drive a blue 2007 FJ Cruiser and live near Grand Junction UT, the region around Moab. I do a lot of moderate trails and have 2 Pillowtracks which I've used several times in the past few months, mainly to gain clearance over rocks, once to protect my side panel when I slipped towards a boulder. I use these more than I've ever used my hilift which I considered the best tool next to my winch. Unlike my hilift, I can use the pillowtrack to lift or buffer in places I could not get a jack into. Highly recommended to anyone traveling away from civilization.
Review Date: Fri October 23, 2009
Would you recommend the product? Yes |
Price you paid (per item)?: None indicated
| Rating: 9
I don't have a set yet
I was with a few guys I had never met a few weeks ago on some trails in Virginia State. One guy got high centered on a rock and he pulled out this red bag thing, used a log to leverage up the rear wheel and the other guy slide this red bag under the wheel. Then they started pumping a few pounds of air into it and drove the Bronco off the rock. I was like, holy crap, what the hell is that thing? So I looked it up and I'm planning to get at least one of them. Very impressive idea. I've seen things like these used as jacks but as a driving pad? Never would have thought. Thumbs up on a great idea!
PillowTrack Inflatable Traction / Recovery Device Editor