13th Annual All Breeds Jeep Show

The PA Jeep All
Breeds Jeep Show held annually in York PA is one of the largest Jeep
show of it's kind in the country. While attendance was
down a bit this year, the show was as big as ever filling
the York Fairgrounds to the max with Jeeps of every variety. A sea of Jeeps as far as the eye could see is how it could be
described. Jeeps ... from stock to wild to rare came
from all over, all up and down the east coast and Canada.
Judging by the shear number of Jeeps entered into the show as
well as the vendors, and swap meet stands, food stands and
visitors to the show, the York Fair grounds may be nearing
full capacity in the short-term with future All Breeds events.
Some 2008 Show Highlights:
Roy's Toy
FC-150 Forward Control
Bob Millen's 1976 CJ-5
Obstacle Course
Obstacle Course
year's 13th Annual All Breeds Jeep Show
was held July 19-20, 2008
at the York Fairgrounds - Expo Center
in York, PA.
Saturday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Sunday 9:00 AM – 6:00 PM
A Jeep Exclusive Show-n-Shine / Trail
Readiness Event
100 Awards in 29 categories
Commemorative Dash Plaques for the first 500 “Trophy Class”
Registered Jeeps
PA Jeeps - Winch Giveaway - Saturday
Some of the show details and
events over the 2 days included:
- Obstacle Course
- RTI Ramp
- Slow Crawl Competition
- New Jeeps on Display
- Vendor & Swap/Meet Areas
- Family Activities Area
- HUGE Off-Road Equipment Raffle
- ... and plenty more
“Peer” Jeep Voting from 11:30 AM – 2:00 PM on Saturday
Awards ceremony at 4:00 PM on Sunday
Raffle at 5:00 PM Sunday (Must be present to win)
Spectator Gate Admission $5.00 for
adults and children under 12 free. Call 717-309-0513 or visit for further information
Jeep Show and Shine Class
CLASS #1 – CJ5
CLASS #2 – CJ7
CLASS #3 – Wrangler (YJ)
CLASS #4 – Willys / Military
CLASS #5 – Cherokees / Commander
CLASS #6 – CJ6 / CJ8 / Comanchee / Commando
CLASS #7 – Full Size / Wagoneer / J-Series Trucks
CLASS #8 – Wrangler (TJ-Rubicon)
CLASS #9 – Liberty
CLASS #10 – Non-Street Legal
*Class #10 is for Jeeps Not State Registered, Insured, or
running under their own power *
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