12th Annual All Breed Jeep Show
It's been said that the PA Jeep All
Breeds Jeep Show held annually in York PA is the largest Jeep
show of it's kind in the country and that may very well be
true, especially after attending this years 2-day event.
A sea of Jeeps as far as the eye could see is how it could be
described. Jeeps ... from stock to wild to rare came
from all over, all up and down the east coast and Canada.
Judging by the shear number of Jeeps entered into the show as
well as the vendors, and swap meet stands, food stands and
visitors to the show, the York Fair grounds may be nearing
full capacity in the short-term with future All Breeds events.

The show was held the
Saturday & Sunday of July 21, 22, 2007
at the York Expo Center in York, PA and billed as a Jeep Exclusive Show-N-Shine / Trail
Readiness Event, although the event was much more than that.
Anyone who has the Jeep bug would be overwhelmed by the
variety of Jeep related interests and activities. The
fairgrounds were arranged as so half the grounds were rows and
rows of show Jeeps of all classes, while the other half of the
grounds was set up as a very challenging obstacle course.
Participants in the show were granted access to the obstacle
course and the line quickly grew to stretch all the way
the outer track that encompassed the inner fairgrounds area.
Spectators surrounded the obstacle course to watch Jeep owners
crawl across the boulder piles and mountains of red clay setup
for their enjoyment. a small army of PA Jeeps members
lined the course to assist as spotters for the Jeepers on the
course. Outwards beyond the obstacle course were dozens
and dozens of vendors selling everything from the latest
custom parts and innovative designs in offroad to the trailers
full of Jeep parts and hard to find Jeep items. A line
of Food vendors fed the army of people while others were
filling the air with the smell of their cookout grills
making some good eats. The fairgrounds has a large
covered seating area that could accommodate a few thousand
people, which was a great place to re-treat from the sun to
cool off or eat your lunch. Some of the show details and
events over the 2 days included:
- Obstacle Course RTI Ramp Slow Crawl
- NEW Jeeps on Display Vendor & Swap/Meet
Areas Kids Activity Area
- HUGE Off-Road Equipment Raffle and a
whole LOT more…!
- Jeep Registration from 7:00 AM – 11:00 AM
on Saturday & Sunday
- PEER Jeep Judging from 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
on Saturday
- Awards ceremony at 3:00 PM on Sunday
- HUGE Raffle (must be present) at 4:00 PM
Spectator Gate Admission was $5.00 for
adults and children under 12 were free.
Call 717-309-0513 or visit for further information
Jeep Show and Shine Class
CLASS #1 – CJ5
CLASS #2 – CJ7
CLASS #3 – Wrangler (YJ)
CLASS #4 – Willys / Military
CLASS #5 – Cherokees / Commander
CLASS #6 – CJ6 / CJ8 / Comanchee / Commando
CLASS #7 – Full Size / Wagoneer / J-Series Trucks
CLASS #8 – Wrangler (TJ-Rubicon)
CLASS #9 – Liberty
CLASS #10 – Non-Street Legal
*Class #10 is for Jeeps Not State Registered, Insured, or
running under their own power *
Coverage of the 2007 All Breeds Jeep Show
Our Show Jeeps pages are
somewhat organized in sections. |
Vintage Iron
- Early CJ's including CJ-2A, CJ-3A, MB38A1, etc, and then some.
CJ Class - CJ-5, CJ-7, Scramblers, the Commandos etc,
from mild to wild as well as a bunch of great Jeeps stuff.
Wranglers - YJ, TJ, JK, and other Jeeps.
J-Trucks, Wagoneers, Cherokees, Libertys
and lots more cool stuff.