PA - January 3rd 2008
Photos and commentary by
Donald Davis
This is my second visit to Centralia. My first visit took place in
August of 2007. My inspiration to visit began my my viewing of the
Silent Hill movie. While doing some research on the parallels and
differences between the movie and the videogame, I came to find out that
the screenwriter for the film used the history of Centralia for the
film. Upon further research into Centralia, I read about Todd
Domboski's brush with disaster when the sinkhole opened beneath him. I
vaguely remembered hearing about that on national news back in 1981
(Todd Domboski and I would be the same age). At that point, my
curiosity led me to various sites with photos of Centralia, most
notably offroaders dot com. I then made the decision to make the 4.5hr
drive to visit the town in August of 2007.
My August 2007 trip was fascinating seeing the town for the first time
and actually BEING THERE in all the photos I viewed. However, the trip
was slightly disappointing. First off, I spent 3 hours on the subsided
highway alone, 2 more than planned. So that rushed the remainder of my
trip. I was wearing all black that day on the highway with temperatures
close to 90F/33C and I left my water in the car not thinking I would be
out as long as I was. So combine that heat with carrying nearly 15lbs
of camera and video gear (35mm body, medium format film body, digital
compact, tripod, and Hi8 "palmcorder"), mild dehydration occurred which
made me slightly weak and lightheaded for another couple hours. I then
was rushed to see most of the town before the sun set. I had also
missed a few spots along the burning hillside because I entered from the
wrong side. Lastly, the smoke was at a minimum due to the temperatures.
Speaking to a resident of Centralia, he recommended I return in winter
to see the smoke rising from the ground.
So here I am in January of 2008 photographing the town on a very cold
day, 15F/-9C but with beautiful clear skies. The steam was plentiful
and my visit was a great success. Of course, I plan a 3rd visit in
warmer weather to find more vents in the roads that may be covered by
the snow. I had nearly the whole town to myself as only 3 others were
out, presumably due to the cold. In fact, I was the only one on the
subsided highway during the 75 minutes I was there.
When I was there, I got a few good breaths of the sulfurous fumes yet I
had no problems breathing afterwards. I was coughing during the day,
but that was due to the cold weather since I had started to cough when I
first got out of my car on the way to my first stop, the subsided
highway. I had no scratchiness in my throat nor was I bothered by the
fumes when I left the town.
Donald Davis |

Railroad Ave

Christmas decorations hung at the corner of
Centre and Locust Streets. (videotape frame captures)

Bench at the corner of W Park St and Rt 61

DEP borehole at burning hillside along South St
Taken from a path off the subsided Rt 61 that is only about 50ft or so north
of the fissure

Corner of Paxton St and North St

Corner of Trautwine St and Centre St

SS Peter Paul Orthodox Cemetery

Subsided section of Rt 61

Odd Fellows Cemetery

Burning hillside. Many rocks here were estimated to be 70F/21C or warmer by

Base of burning hillside at the corner of W Park St and Plum St |