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Defunct Amusement Parks

Links Directory



Defunct Amusement Parks Home Page
A collection of defunct amusement park information, searchable by state, with
history and photographs of some parks. [North America]

Defunct Amusement Parks
Defunct Amusement Parks ... Canada Mexico. Defunct Amusement Parks

Amusement Park History Links
Amusement Park Nostalgia SE Pennsylvania's defunct parks. Defunct Amusement Parks  Site that lists and documents out of business parks.

Werner's "Not Disney" Theme Parks, Fairs, and Amusement Parks
Defunct Amusement Parks New! Lots of amusement parks have gone out of business
over the years. Joel Styer has gathered information about many of them.

Boing Boing: Defunct amusement parks
There's something quaint and charming about a wooden coaster surrounded by tall grass an d ragweed, about naive midway games, about the crackled paint on the fat, psychotically cheerful lettering on the signage.

Open Directory - Recreation: Theme Parks: Defunct
Defunct Amusement Parks - A collection of defunct amusement park information,
searchable by state, with history and photographs of some parks.


Defunct Amusement Parks of Columbus
Defunct Amusement Parks of Columbus. Olentangy Park (1893-1937). The property
occupied by Olentangy Village was once an amusement park.

Vintage Amusement & Theme Parks, Roadside Attractions, Bowling ...
Old pictures of Northern Virginia and Maryland Amusement Parks from the '50s-'70s.
... Takoma Park, MD Opened: June 18, 1960 Status: Defunct Similar Nearby

Past Amusement Parks > General Information in the Yahoo! Directory
Defunct Amusement Parks - collection of information on amusement parks and
rides that have closed. Florida's Lost Tourist Attractions

With the ever changing content and feel of today's amusement parks, many of us
forget what they used to be like. ... Find the full list at DEFUNCT PARKS.COM

AMUSEMENT LINK ONE SOURCE The LARGEST database of amusement park related links.
... Also includes defunct parks with lots of info and photos.

Les Jones: Defunct Amusement Parks
Travel > Defunct Amusement Parks. Cool. A directory of closed amusement parks.
Some are simply gone, but in some cases buildings and even rides remain.

Listings Canada: Amusement & Theme Parks
Over 100 defunct Canadian amusement parks are profiled.

Closed down amusement parks in the Great Lakes Region - Topic ...
Defunct Amusement Parks of Michigan.

The Death of Ocean View Park
I am an aficionado of defunct amusement parks, and I have quite a collection of
... There *is* a defunct amusement park I *do* remember named Paradise Park...

CoasterBuzz - Willow Mill Amusement Park (defunct)
Roller coaster and amusement park news, photos and stats for enthusiasts and the
amusement industry.

CEC: Canadian Roller Coaster Record Holders
Figures for defunct roller coasters in Canada.

Werner's "Not Disney" Theme Parks, Fairs, and Amusement Parks
Defunct Amusement Parks New! Lots of amusement parks have gone out of business
over the years. Joel Styer has gathered information about many of them.

Boing Boing: Defunct amusement parks
There's something quaint and charming about a wooden coaster surrounded by tall grass an d ragweed, about naive midway games, about the crackled paint on the fat, psychotically cheerful lettering on the signage.

Open Directory - Recreation: Theme Parks: Defunct
Defunct Amusement Parks - A collection of defunct amusement park information,
searchable by state, with history and photographs of some parks.

Defunct Amusement Parks of Columbus
Defunct Amusement Parks of Columbus. Olentangy Park (1893-1937). The property
occupied by Olentangy Village was once an amusement park.

Vintage Amusement & Theme Parks, Roadside Attractions, Bowling ...
Old pictures of Northern Virginia and Maryland Amusement Parks from the '50s-'70s.
... Takoma Park, MD Opened: June 18, 1960 Status: Defunct Similar Nearby

Past Amusement Parks > General Information in the Yahoo! Directory
Defunct Amusement Parks - collection of information on amusement parks and
rides that have closed. Florida's Lost Tourist Attractions

With the ever changing content and feel of today's amusement parks, many of us
forget what they used to be like. ... Find the full list at DEFUNCT PARKS.COM

AMUSEMENT LINK ONE SOURCE The LARGEST database of amusement park related links.
... Also includes defunct parks with lots of info and photos.

Les Jones: Defunct Amusement Parks
Travel > Defunct Amusement Parks. Cool. A directory of closed amusement parks.
Some are simply gone, but in some cases buildings and even rides remain.

Listings Canada: Amusement & Theme Parks
Over 100 defunct Canadian amusement parks are profiled.

Closed down amusement parks in the Great Lakes Region - Topic ...
Defunct Amusement Parks of Michigan.

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Abandoned PA Turnpike
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Defunct Amusement Parks
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Abandoned Places
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Area 51 - Groom Lake
The Top-secret military base.




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