Ordering Game Control Parts At this point I
needed to do a little research and order some parts. I was going to make
a new control panel and needed buttons and a joystick. I found
a bunch of places online that sold parts and ended up ordering the
following stuff from the following places.
I ordered Micro Switch push buttons and an 8 Way micro switch Red
Ball handle joystick from
www.arcadeshop.com/parts.htm (great prices).
I order a KeyWiz Max 1.5 from
www.GroovyGameGear.com, which is a great accessory for a MAME
And I thought I'd have to hack a keyboard. The KeyWiz is a
must have for any MAME project. More about the KeyWiz
I ordered a 19 inch LCD monitor. LCD because it is low
profile and generates little heat. 19 inch because many games
are originally on a 19 inch monitor. LCD is also easy to
mount. I chose to order an Acer AL1916 for a few reasons.
First, I have one on my PC and it looks good. The dimensions
were perfect for my cabinet and it only cost 200 bucks.
I also ordered a track ball mouse.