Back to that Geocaching thing. So what is
Geocaching? If you haven't heard of
geocaching, it a sport centered around use of
handheld GPS navigation devices.
With geocaching the basic idea is to locate a cache
by it's coordinates. The caches are containers
that vary in size and contents. They may be as small as a
film canister with a log in it, or as large as ammo boxes and even
up to 5 gallon bucket size.
Caches can contain objects and the "geocachers" exchange items left
in the cache with items of their own. Finding
a cache can be easy. Sometimes it's a
challenge. Sometimes just getting to the
location of a cache is the reward itself. This
was one such cache. We knew the general
location of the cache and we knew it's GPS
coordinates. We didn't choose the easiest way
to it. Our last 1000 feet included about a 600
foot increase in elevation But once we reach
the summit, the view was spectacular. A view
like no other that we had ever seen from the heights
above these valleys. The cache was an ammo box
with a lot of items left behind by many previous
visitors. We took nothing and left stuff
Was the hike worth it? It certainly was.
The game is addicting. It's even more
addicting to create your own and see the logs
visitor and read their thoughts. If you want
to know more about Geocaching, visit
Create a profile and get a GPS. It's great
exercise for the whole family and it gets you out of
the house for a while.
Click to enlarge - View from atop the
the evening ...
Later that night as we hung around back at the cabin,
John and Bob kept us entertained for a while with some
tunes as a poker game played out in the kitchen. A
campfire blazed and porcupines made a racket up in a tree
a few hundred feet away. After going out into the
brush with a spotlight looking for the critters making all
that noise, I dropped my cell phone but luckily a few
calls to it from Stephen's phone lit up the brush with a
nice glow of blue and I found it. We hung out for a
while, talked about the weekend and what can and could
have happened when you try to get the vehicle out of 4
wheel drive (oops). With geocaches stashed, we
uplinked the broadband and broadcasted access to a few
laptops, logging our coordinates as pictures were
exchanged. Another winter weekend in the bag.
A good one. Good fun, good friends, good beer and
a new sport that enhances our 4 wheeling fun.
See you guys in the spring for another round.