Mountain Rush ...
In Search of Cache
Up the hill and over the ridge. Down by
the creek. Always a nice place to stop.
We're usually looking for the action shots to
capture some of the 4 wheeling action but this time
we somehow missed out on a lot of that.
Probably because we had something else on our minds,
geocaching. We found a good place to stash a
geocache and logged it in the Garmin GPS.

Lewis got a new Safari Snorkel
on his FJ Cruiser.
Meanwhile Johnny boy was taking shots at the
hill, climbing high enough to reach a birm on the
hill that would have likely dumped him over so he'd
turn around come back down until he got up enough
nerve to try again.

In Search of Cache We stashed the cache
and headed out towards another geocache located on
the other side of the valley a few miles away.
With GPS units locked onto the target we navigated
for a good hour or so in it's general direction.
From the sounds of it, this cache will be
interesting. |