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on the Rubicon Trail

Denny's Beer Barrel Pub.  Well, you can't have it your way but Denny sure does make plenty of burgers to choose from!  An incredible variety of beers on tap too! My kind of place.
It was almost the middle of January and if you didn't see the snow in the shadows of the hillsides, you'd think we were in late November.  Balmy temperatures hovering in the mid 40's and a low sun made for a sloppy, muddy weekend throughout the hills of this valley.
Chop some wood, break out the deer jerky and do some target shooting.  Always a good way to kick off the weekend.




Project CJ-7

The documentation of a several year project building a Jeep CJ-7 piece by piece.  From restoration of stock parts like the frame, body, engine and driveline components to upgraded aftermarket improvements over stock to custom fabrication and design ideas.  Read More
Wheeling in Rattlesnake Country
In this offroad report we have the opportunity to take a 2007 Jeep JK  Wrangler Rubicon and a 2007 Toyota
FJ Cruiser up into the Pennsylvania Mountain Trails for a Weekend of Offroading.  With this report we will run down the pros and cons and our offroad impressions of the FJ Cruiser and the JK Wrangler Rubicon.  But bear with us as we get the report together... 