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Ah yes, fall has arrived.  Cooler temperatures, long shadows, lower humidity, campfires, the changing foliage, everything that makes these weekends memorable.  Perfect weather to take our 4x4 vehicles out and have a good time kicking up the offroad dirt. This trip has with us, a Toyota Land Cruiser, a 1965 Jeep Kaiser CJ5, a 1978 Jeep CJ-7, a Toyota Tacoma and later a Jeep YJ joined the fun Saturday morning.  Even Daryl got his Ford F-250 into a little action.   Every year we plan a fall trip up to these mountains and valleys.  While it's not the most extreme wheeling around, it's always fun. This year a small group of us made our way up on Friday for the day long hike up the turnpike and across PA, a few more rolled in Saturday morning.  This trip was fun, memorable and a little costly for one with the incident now referred to as the Death Dive (the vehicle that is).  Lesson learned.

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Shortly after arriving sometime around late afternoon, we hit the trails for a little pre-dinner wheeling.  Heading down into the valley is a trail that's got plenty of washed out ruts large enough to swallow a small Jeep.  But that half the fun as you crawl out the other side. To the right Paul navigates his early Kaiser CJ5 through the ruts.

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 A little trail exploration down some earlier known trails in search for a trail we knew one late, snowy night when we hooked hand winch cables up to Stephens Land Cruiser to prevent it from sliding sideways down an embankment as he navigated it backwards... slowly.  We never did find it but we had fun looking.

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We did find this washout that was a fun place to kill a little time as a few other guys drove up the trail to see if it actually when anywhere or just dead-ended.

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