A walk
in the woods While the winching proceeded back at
the hill with the help of several good hands, a few of us
took the opportunity to explore the local hillside on
foot. With a lack of snow cover and temperatures
around 50 degrees, we took in some beautiful scenery.
Brilliant green moss covered a lot of the rocks and
boulders while many fallen trees and old stumps were
covered with a different variation of moss. The
forest floor was covered in this past fall's canopy of
leaves and with little underbrush, you could look deep
into the forest. The occasional Rhododendron and
Mountain Laurel bush dotted the hillside. Down by
the stream, few evergreen trees lined the shoreline
and hung out over the water with a dark under-canopy.
Quite a scene. It's not often that a few quiet
moments can be enjoyed. It certainly won't be the
last time I pause for a therapeutic walk in the woods.