The MapGenerations ago,
mountain men who lived on these hills hunted and
trapped game of the region and apparently gave names
to areas and old trails. By
chance a local friend found an old hand written map
and some notes in a local book store. The
undated map and notes looked very old and was
stuffed into the back of a surveyors notebook from
the region. Upon recognizing the trails on the
map, he bought it for 10 bucks. He
examined it and cross-referenced it's trails and
markings with modern day satellite images and
terrain maps. From there he was able to
identify approximate locations of old hunting cabins, ancient trails,
old mining operations, prime hunting grounds,
fields, streams, and landmarks, and could identify
them by a name, an old name, given to that landmark
or trail no longer existing cabin. Amazing.
Some names found on the old map were: Jim's Tree,
Timberline Trail,
Wood Haven,
Oak Tree Hollow,
Tangleweed Hollow (apparently famous for the "Stingerweed"),
Coyote Ridge, Snake Valley,
Mudspring Shallow, Rattlesnake Pass, Michael's Rut, Buck Pointe,
Hunters Grove, Lee's Hill, Bear Lookout, Blueberry
Hill (pre-dating Chuck Berry's song!), White's
Crossing, Pine Tree Grove, Dark Forest, Bill's Rock
and 10 Point to name a handful. So armed with
a copy of the old map, we set out one fine fall
weekend to re-discover the trails once again. |