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As our knowledge of the trails up here grows the trail runs get better each time. This weekend we mapped out a few runs that yielded some great fun and action. It rained just about all weekend with the exception of a few good hours Saturday afternoon where the sun actually made an appearance a few times. But rain didn't make things miserable. On the contrary, the rain actually enhanced the action with slick trails and mud. Especially Saturday night when a spur of the moment trail run was assembled with a mudhole destination. 


Our Saturday main trail ride actually doubled in length from the norm with the addition of a planned u-turn backtrack and an unexpected roadblock and another backtrack. Along for the runs this weekend was a variety of rigs which included Toyotas, Jeeps, a Chevy and a Geo. All tolled it was a great weekend. New friends and a new approach on some of the trails made it a memorable weekend.

Our first stop was a familiar one which we call the Pit.  At some point it must have been excavated for material to build the logging trails in the area.  We have lots of fun climbing the walls of this place. 


Next we hit a long, spring fed deeply rutted trench.  We managed to get Eric to take his brand new V8 powered Toyota Tundra out on the trail for a little fun.

Something is not right with this YJ's gas gage because it ran out of gas on the way in Friday.  Even though it says the level was somewhere between 1/8 and 1/4, it was sucking fumes.  Some reserve gas stored at the cabin got it to the station for a refueling on Saturday morning.

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