DEPARTMENT OF: Cheap Tricks & Useful Tips …
Looking for a Cheap alternative to installing a Sunroof? Try this on for size.
You have to admit, a vehicle just looks better with a sunroof. Yet most vehicles off the factory floor don’t come with a sun roof. On top of that installing an after market sunroof can be an expensive proposition not to mention that it’s not always the easiest thing to do on an older vehicle without complications.
That’s why when we saw this clever idea on EBay, we thought, wow, now that’s not just cool but clever and comical all wrapped up into one low cost product. The Magnetic Sunroof! That’s right folks, the EBay user “bridgeimports” out of Beaumont, TX is marketing a Magnetic Sunroof. If you can’t afford the real thing, how about the next best. Lets let “bridgeimports” tell you about it in his own words:
Do you want your car to have the look of a real sunroof? You can install it in 5 minutes!!
Extremely fashion and new apparent sun roof, made of a sticker that will give any car the image of a real sunroof.
Our self-adhesive sunroof DECANO™ has our own patented technology , it consists on a series of flexible laminated magnetic layers, weatherproofed and framed with a self-adhesive tape.
READY TO INSTALL.- The DECANO™ self-adhesive sunroof comes completely assembled (31” X 18”) in a tube package. (20”X3”).
TO INSTALL: Just clean, place it and paste it!
- Clean: Clean thoroughly the car surface where the sunroof is going to be installed
- Place it.- Extend the adhesive sunroof on the roof of the car and with our MAGNETIC TECHNOLOGY, you can see it on, center or move it as many times as you want until you find the correct spot where you want to install it.
- Paste it,. When you selected the correct spot, just take off the adhesive protective peel, , press it and it´s READY and securely added to your car’s roof and you can use it now as a part of your car.
The DECANO™ adhesive sunroof feels like glass, it’s anti-scratch and mirror like.
Each package comes with photographies and step to step installation instructions.
Innovative design and easy to place installation, with position testing using magnetic elements, and final installation through special and easy to use adhesive.
Easy to remove if original car shape is desired or convenient. No need to make holes or damage original car structure.
High Status at a very low price !!!
So if you’re looking for some class without the cash, fake it with this cool product. Heck, get two! One for the outside and one for the inside so when you look up, you might just fool yourself!
This is for people who when they were kids used a clothespin and playing card to make their bicycle sound like it had an engine. The rest of us waited a few years and bought a motorcycle.